Archive for June, 2010

Cashing in on Internet Shopping

June 28, 2010

I’ve just run across something that you need to check out.  I am the Chief Operating Officer of a successful IT Services Consulting Firm in Fort Worth, Texas.  Being in the IT business and knowing how website owners get paid for driving traffic to online shopping sites , I’ve tried to think of ways to get a piece of the action for myself.  I’ve finally found it.  

ShopBest is a company that uses proprietary technology to offer savings to everyone who uses the internet for items they already purchase. Shoppers earn cash back for purchases and searches with over 2,000 merchants, with more being added daily!  Major stores such as Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Macy’s, and thousands of others offer cash back for online purchases to shoppers using the ShopBest toolbar.

This system provides a way to get paid when people (including yourself) surf and shop online.  It costs ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for you to get started and get paid!!  You get cash back points when you shop online and if you share the free toolbar with someone else, they get cash back points and you get cash back points for them surfing and shopping.  You also get points for everyone they share it with, to infinity!  You can see how quickly the numbers can grow if you are earning on EVERYONE below you.  Very simple….a no brainer!  And cash back points = $$.  When you accumulate $15 in points, they send you a check.

 You don’t have to search using the free toolbar for it to work.  It just has to be installed on your computer, and then you can search and shop just like you always do.  I’ve done my homework and found that the toolbar is 100% safe and not a resource hog on your computer.  It’s very unobtrusive. 

 When you buy something, the cash back ranges from 1-5%.  Thousands of Big Name stores are participating.  If you know someone who shops online a lot, you need to get signed up and then pass it on to them.  People who book travel online are prime candidates for saving money through cash back and earning you money at the same time.

 There is also a (bigger) business opportunity part to this, but it is not required.  I will however, tell you that it is in its infancy with only about 4,000 affiliates in at this time (about 25,000 free members).  If you want to get in on that part, now is the time.  It is a type of MLM and everyone knows that the secret to MLM success is getting in early.  This thing has only been going for 4 or 5 months and it is already making people wealthy.  The easiest one I’ve ever seen.  You don’t even have to talk to anybody to sell it.

 Just go to and you can find out about the free membership and/or the business opportunity.  Either one will make you some money.  Of course the really Big money is in the business opportunity.

 Now, if you want this to really make serious money,

there are some things that you NEED TO KNOW…

I got to thinking about this latest, greatest opportunity after I had already become an affiliate (fine time to start thinking, huh?)

I have tried my hand at MLM companies several times over the years, each with the same result…..a few sales to friends and family who were more doing me a favor than really being interested.  Attend a few live meetings where the “Upline Guys” do there “let’s all get excited” dog and pony show, listen in to a few conference calls…..and then interest fades as I run out of family and friends to humor me.  After hitting the same ones up for the second or third time, it started getting embarassing to approach them with something new.

So i finally woke up and smelled the coffee…..STEVE, YOU HAVE TO FIND OUT HOW THE TOP NETWORK MARKETING EARNERS DO IT!  And, that’s exactly what I did….and boy howdy (yeah, I know, it’s a Texas thing) am I glad!  I started doing my homework and found that 97% of network marketing affiliates average making 2.9 sales before they give up 4 months later.  This prompted me to find out what I needed to do to be successful this time…without relying on family and friends and without paying a fortune to an online marketing firm.  Now, I found a lot of network marketing systems out there, but there is more to it than just a system.  You’ve got to learn how to use it.  You’ve got to learn the tricks that the big boys use.  During my research, I found the system that provides what you need….a system that provides multiple streams of income, a system that trains you not only to work like a successful network marketer, but to think like one too.  A system that will work with ANY online business.  But don’t think for a minute that you don’t have to work at it.  You have to spend the time to learn.  If you do, the reward is limitless!

I would like to share this system with you.  My new friends Norbert and Brian shared it with me and they are the guys who developed it.  These guys made over 2 million dollars in their first year and I’m very grateful they turned me on to it.

In order for me to pass this on to you, I want to make sure that you really want it and ask you to “opt in” by entering your first name and your email address in the form on my website

You can thank me later!

Steve Mitchell

Internet Marketing Facilitator

 i2Eye Marketing


June 28, 2010

Everyone should read this from Leading marketeer Cedric Harris: MyLeadSystemPRO™.

You can learn the marketing techniques of Cedric and other top producers at:

Can Anyone Make Money on the Internet?

June 20, 2010

Probably not!  That’s right, probably not.  You have to be willing to learn. You have to be willing to spend the time to learn and employ the techniques that you are taught.  But, the good news is, it’s easy!  There are ready-made e-commerce sites out there that you can set up and be in business in an hour.  There are MLM opportunities that have replicated websites that you can sign up for and be in business in five minutes!

But, you still won’t make any money until you learn to promote yourself and your products online.  Fortunately, there are network marketing systems available to help you.  But, just buying and setting up a system doesn’t get you near the return on investment that LEARNING how to use the techniques that Top Producing Network Marketers are getting.

Enter MyLeadSystem Pro!  I searched, did lots of homework, a little bit of soul-searching (do I really have what it takes?), contemplated the effects the time involved would have on my family and career.  MLSP was my answer! A complete system and most importantly the tools and training needed to put me in a position to bite off a chunk of the internet marketing fortunes that are being made.

I found that with a time investment of just an hour or two a day, I could learn what is necessary, set up a marketing system, and earn money on the internet.  To date, I have branded myself as a leader in internet marketing, launched a powerful new business, and am now helping other people learn how to position themselves to “fire their boss” and work from home in their own business.

A special thanks to my friends Norbert, Brian and Todd who turned me on to this!  They showed me how to put the tools in place to basically run my business on autopilot.  Now I earn money when I’m sleeping, on vacation, playing golf, hunting, fishing… name it…..24/7!

Are you interested in a piece of the action?  Please don’t waste your time or mine if you’re not committed to making serious money and putting in the time to learn how to make it happen.

If you think you have what it takes, go to my Internet Marketing Training Website:  You might also want to check out what I think will be one of the “Game Changers” in MLM. Find out about it at This one is your chance to get a piece of the WORLD’S LARGEST INDUSTRY….Shopping! You get paid when people shop online. Very cool!

See you on the inside,
